Republic of Megatridimensional Order

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Megatridimensional Order
Flag of Megatridimensional Order Coat of Arms of Megatridimensional Order
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Freedom, Balance, Order"
Location of Megatridimensional Order
Area 10,878,333km2
Highest point Satan's Spire 8029M
Longest river Trine River
Population 1.83 billion
• Growth 0.1%/year
Median age 39.9 years
Demonym Order
Founded January 1, 1799
First Election October 31, 1799
Capital Tabula Rasa
Official language English
Type Republic
Legislature Senate & Assembly
Prime Minister Japamax Paralaje
Ambassador Rhand Drenton
Minister of Psychology Katerine Masters
Domestic Relations Wondra Arrister
States Crudumpascor, Justicar, Cetacea, Loam, Mordant, Blottaria, North Bedlam, South Bedlam, Aggrovania, Soundgarden, Dystomatica
Currency trio (ŧ) (TR)
GDP ŧ24.33 Trillion ($24.33 Trillion)
• Per capita ŧ72,333 ($72,333)
• Growth 3.50%/year

5% Agriculture
26% Industry
68% Services

Unemployment 9.4%
Life expectancy 71.5 years
Clean water access 98%
Literacy 99%
Enrollment 84.6%
• Primary 99.8%
• Secondary 98.0%
• Tertiary 73.2%
Measures Metric
Date format Month-day-year
Traffic Right-hand
ISO code RMO
Internet TLD .rmo
Time Zones {{{VST}}}
Calling code +3

The Republic of Megatridimensional Order (also known as The Order) is a Republic consisting of eighteen states located on the continent of East Asper, east of the United States of Quentin and north of the Comdantri Nortellus. The Republic is notable for its belief that true balance can only be attained with three parts, as opposed to the vast majority of Venturia, who believe balance can be attained with two parts. The Ruled, a list of tribes, countries and micronations the Republic has assimilated is the longest of any civilization in the history of Venturian nations by far. However, since the early 1980s when the Rationalist party took control of the nation, the Order has dealt much more evenly with those inside and outside of its borders.



The early history of the Order, consisting of personal letters, newspaper clippings, book excerpts and more is documented in The Origins of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order (1780-1799) and on the Republic of Megatridimensional Order Timeline.

In 1788 citizens of Telembria revolted against the strict two-party power structure of Telembrian politics. As a condition of peace, Telembria offered the revolutionaries a ten year expatriation plan and land in what was known as the Telembrian Wildlands "and beyond" in exchange for an end to the revolution. Over 452,000 citizens accepted the offer and the Order was officially founded on January 1, 1799. The governmental structure was put in place by leaders of the revolution, and the first government officials were voted into office on October 31, 1799.

The first Megatridimensional Order city of Novum was founded on a tract of wetlands unfit for cultivation and later named the Crudumpascor Swamps. With the Telembrians to the north, Satan's Spire and the Trine River impeding exploration to the south, it was widely believed by Telembrians that the new citizens of the Order would revert to Telembrian rule within a decade or less. However, in 1802, The South Gate was discovered by the Foldsquire-Mix Expedition allowing the Republic to grow into the tropical and fertile region south of Satan's Spire the Trine River.


Finding itself unrestricted, The Order rapidly expanded further south. In 1835, Order settlers unknowingly extended past the borders of the Terronian Nation. However, once realized, The Republic government backed their own settlers, demanding the Terronians give up the land at fair value. The Terronians refused, and the ensuing war with the Order completely destroyed the Terronians. The genocide was internationally condemned, the first blot on the young nation's international relations. The Order moved further south in 1852, during the Caustium Wars with the Viscuito. By the end of the wars, the Order had expanded to nearly triple its previous size.

The rapid expansion of the Order stoked the fears of the international community, and alleged war atrocities committed by the Order cast a shadow on the reputation of the nation. As a result of the Dubuis Accords in 1885, the Order came to be known as a "heartless warmongering soul-sucking machine," a title the nation embraced.

In 1886, The Order expanded further during the Expansion Wars, a sustained series of small battles over the course of three years.

This expansion did not go over well with other countries, including The Protectorates of Allia and The United States of Quentin. They formed The Anti-Expansionist Alliance, while the Order tried to defend what they saw as their right to gain territory and expand their culture to other lands. They formed the Righteousness Pact with a few other countries, including Bymaria and Mayberry Logan. In 1900, the tension finally exploded, as Bymaria, an RP nation, declared war on Carkhia, a nation that was a part of the AEA. Countries from both sides declared war on each other, and The Great Venturian War had begun.

The Great Venturian War

The Great Venturian War was a particularly brutal affair, with both sides scoring massive victories that seemed to sway the war in their advantage. But after 12 years, it was clear the Order and the RP had won, being both more experienced in war and more prepared for it. Peace was made in 1912 with the Treaty of Fatama, and the Order was granted expansion rights to the west. The AEA was disbanded.

After the war, the Order expanded to the west and in 1915, as industrialization took hold, the Order focused more on development in places already owned, and soon the nation became a world financial powerhouse, as well as an industrial one.

In the early 1920's, the former enemies of the Order in the Great Venturian War had recovered from the war, but still harbored a strong resolve to halt the Order from any further expansion. Some nations, such as Docneighland and the Iridium Coast, remained determined to remove Order from its spot as a world powerhouse. A new alliance formed to once again challenge the RP, called The Southern Coastal Alliance. Tensions started to rise when The Protectorates of Allia and the USQ deployed troops on the Megatridimensional border. The Order reciprocated and began to increase military production once again. Adding to this tension was well publicized projects focusing on the development of the atomic bomb by the Order (1921), USQ (1923), and Allia (1924). In 1925, a confrontation between Allians and the Order Guard at the Allia border resulted in the death of 8 people. The SOCA declared war on the RP, starting The Greater Venturian War.

The Greater Venturian War

In 1925, the Order seemed destined to win The Greater Venturian War, winning multiple battles and pushing back the enemy into their own territory. However, in 1926, the USQ entered the war on the side of the SOCA, and momentum turned against the Order. After fierce fighting for 6 years, in 1931 the Order finished work on an atomic bomb, and on October 9, 1931, dropped "Ambassador I" on Docneighland. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed, and although a major setback for the SOCA , it marked the turning point of the war. After the incident, countries previously allied with the Order declared war on them, and soon nearly half of the Republic was occupied by SOCA forces. In 1935 the Treaty of Fort McCarthy ended the war, returning all land to the Order, forcing a five year tariff on Order imports and exports, and a implementing a five year ban on Order expansion for 5 years. In return, the Order was returned all land and was given a corner of Allia, half of which the Order immediately sold to Paladinia, easing the impact of the five year tariff.

In 1940, after the 5 year expansion restriction had ended, the Order began The Southern March of the Republic. In four short years, the Order displaced or assimilated thirteen small to medium tribes living in what is now the state of Mordant. In 1944, the Megatrine government halted expansion, leaving the Comdantri Nortellus civilization to their south, but only after eliminating the last of any goodwill the nation enjoyed.

The Megatridimensional Civil War

As a result of the end of the March, internal tension grew between three factions: those advocating further expansion, those demanding an end to expansion, and those wishing to continue to expand but without human rights violations.

In 1944, the nation erupted into The Megatridimensional Civil War between the Ascendancy, Rationalists and the Universal Rights Defense Front (URDF). The Ascendancy gained control over the government and abruptly closed borders during the 1966 Foreign Purge. The nation expelled all foreigners and essentially cut itself off from contact with the rest of Venturia. The Rationalists ultimately won the war, the URDF metamorphosed from militant outlaws into a major political party, and the Ascendancy was scattered.

Post-Civil War

The Republic remained dark until it re-opened its borders for the Megatridimensional Economic Summit of 1983. In an effort to reintegrate itself into Venturia, the Republic offered nations a free-trade agreement and Digital Megaprocesser Microchip Technology (DMMT), a highly advanced computer processing chip. Six nations attended, and two, Comdantri Nortellus and The United States of Quentin signed the free trade agreement. Shortly after the guests arrived, fourteen people were killed and seven others injured in the Frostoria Massacre, conducted by remnants of the Ascendancy. GTNEC of the USQ Steve Boissont was among the wounded. The Summit paused but resumed two days later. Only the Comdantri Nortellus delegation left after the shooting, though they did return days later to sign the agreement.

Government and politics

The Megatridimensional Order Government Structure

The Megatridimensional Order Government structure is a republic structure with legislative, judicial and executive functions meant to strike balance and encourage dealmaking. Proponents contend that the government operates as designed, citing the law making/amending processes and the ability to overcome any single body should that body "deviate from the will of the people." Critics maintain that the Prime Minister, by virtue of control of the Ministry of Psychology and Order Guards, is overly powerful, while other critics claim the Presidium, with control of the Military, has the advantage.

Prime Minister

The Prime Minister (or PM) of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order serves at the top of the Megatridimensional Order government. The PM has the responsibility to approve or veto any legislation, and is in charge of conducting all foreign relations. He may sign treaties and declare war, though he must negotiate with the Presidium, which oversees the Megatridimensional Order military, on how the treaty or war is to be conducted.

The PM also has sole control over the Ministry of Psychology and subsequently, control of the Order Guard. The PM is voted into office on a simple majority of Megatridimensional citizens.

The Prime Minister was elected every three years from 1800 to 1845, and every 5 years beginning in 1845. There are no term limits on Prime Ministers, however, aside from Octavius Silvercrone (1980-2000), no Prime Minister has ever served more than three terms non-consecutively or more than two consecutive terms.

Ministry of Psychology

The Ministry of Psychology is an unelected body of 30 members appointed every six years by the Prime Minister for the purpose of educating the public regarding national law and for the purpose of enforcing those laws. The enforcement of laws is carried out by the Order Guard, the national police force.

Ministry of Governance

The Ministry of Governance (or MGov) is a three person body responsible for championing the addition of new laws. It serves as the Senate advocate for more laws; they lobby the Presidium and the Prime Minister to approve of bills written in the Senate. The three members of the MGov are Senators voted into office by the Senate once every three years.

Ministry of Equity

The Ministry of Equity (or MEq) is a three person body responsible for championing amendments to existing laws. It serves as the citizen advocate for changing existing laws, and to keep the number of laws from rising or falling; they lobby the Presidium and the Prime Minister to approve of proposed amendments to the law written in either the Senate or the Assembly. The three members of the MEq are voted into office on a simple majority of Megatridimensional citizens once every three years. Members of the MEq cannot have held a legislative position prior to their election, but may have held office in the Presidium.

Ministry of Autonomy

The Ministry of Autonomy (or MAut) is a three person body responsible for championing the repeal and removal of existing laws. It serves as the Assembly advocate for less laws; they lobby the Presidium and the Prime Minister to approve or repeal proposals written in the Assembly. The three members of the MAut are Assembly legislators voted into office by the Assembly once every three years.

The Presidium

Megatridimensional Executive Building

The Presidium is a three person body responsible for ensuring that new laws, amendments and repeals are 1) from the proper ministry, 2) if approved, will not conflict with any existing law and 3) the title of any new law or amendment is not ambiguous. The Presidium also ratifies a legislative override of a PM veto, by certifying that the reason for PM veto has been adequately addressed. The three members of the Presidium are voted into office on a simple majority of Megatridimensional citizens once every three years. Members of the Presidium cannot have held a legislative position prior to their election, but may have held office in the MEq.

The Senate

The Order Senate writes bills for new laws and proposals for amendments to existing laws. They cannot repeal laws. It serves as the citizen advocate for more laws.

The Assembly

The Megatridimensional Senate writes repeals of existing laws and proposals for amendments to existing laws. They cannot write new laws. It serves as the citizen advocate for less laws.

Other Government Agencies

Ministry of Inventory
Ministry of Death and Dismemberment
Ministry of Legitimate Education
Ministry of Religion

Major Cities

Tabula Rasa (capital), Nirvana, Veruca Salt, Iudicium, Novum, Aliquanto, Kosmaro, New Rathaleo, Trine, Caustium, Sikker City, Petrus City, and Fatama.



Super Mega Day - First Sunday in February annually
Mocking Day - August 20 annually
Rage Day - November 3 annually
Inventory Day - March 30 annually
Subculture Day - June 3 annually
Frostoria Remembrance Week - last week of July annually
Petrus' Birthday - October 3 annually


The national sport is Trenchball.


Top Box Office performers in The Order.
Adjusted to the estimated 2018 average ticket price of ŧ9.67.
Six of the top 10 and 14 of the top 20 are movies based on Federation Comics characters and plotlines.

1. The Apocalypse Legion III (2018): ŧ1,909,775,900
2. The Seventh Order Guard (1988): ŧ1,503,322,100
3. Hill Valley (1967): ŧ1,498,600,140
4. Grindhog (2013): ŧ1,375,302,333
5. The Apocalypse Legion (2010): ŧ1,111,930,090
6. The Apocalypse Legion II (2014): ŧ1,001,400,275
7. M.O.D.S. II: The Reciprocator (2013): ŧ 973,751,200
8. Sisters of Doom: Miss Blaze & Black Shade (2019): ŧ 953,303,210
9. Catastrophica (2008): ŧ 950,782,000
10.The Second Insurrection of Quentin (1991): ŧ 949,300,760


Durlothic Fairy Tales


The most popular music in the Order, by far, is metal. Metal spans nearly infinite sub-genres with the most popular being technical death metal, symphonic death metal, grunge, groove metal and metalcore. Rock is also popular, with the expo and dissonant sub-genres often topping the charts. Less popular, but still significant popular music styles include gangsta rap, rap/rock hybrids and noise.

Culturally, music is centered around various uses of the 6-string guitar and 4 or 5 string bass and drums, with other instruments taking a background role. Solo artists are uncommon and bands that do not consist of the four requirements - guitar, bass, drums and vocals - do not generally fare well.

Foreign relations and armed forces

Foreign relations

The Order is notorious as expansionists and agitators throughout much of history. The country has also had several periods of isolationism. The Republic's relationship with other nations, not surprisingly, has generally been one of tension. Recently, however, the Order has been more diplomatic.

In 2019, the closest allies of the Order are the Comdantri Nortellus and Mortification, with Paladinia, Gallanathia, and The Zwakazi Alliance siding with the Order on many important issues.


Law and criminal justice

The Osuda

The Osuda is the high court of the Republic, located in Iudicium. It is the center of justice and law interpretation for the nation. It is known for it's fierce independence and autonomy from political, monetary and other influence. The Osuda consists of five judges who serve for fifteen year terms but who are paid for life. Judges are nominated by the Prime Minister and ratified by a special government council made up of representatives from multiple government agencies. Nominees must be at least fifty years of age and undergo extremely extensive background checks and psychiatric tests in order to qualify. Once appointed, Judges are given a salary equivalent to the average of the thirty highest paid citizens in the Republic. Once they retire after fifteen years, they receive a bonus of ten years salary.






The Order maintains a mixed economy - a capitalist economy characterized by the predominance of private ownership of the means of production with profit-seeking enterprise and the accumulation of capital as its fundamental driving force.

Corporations are afforded tremendous latitude by the government with relatively few laws and restrictions. Those laws and restrictions, however, are brutally enforced. Corporations, regardless of size, age, popularity or impact on the economy, have been dissolved with incredible efficiency once found guilty. There are also no loopholes or special exemptions that are believed to be necessary in other economies.

Largest International Corporations in the Order

1. Caustic Soda International - food, beverage
2. Megabasscorp - media
3. Foundation Media Corporation - media