United States of Quentin Postmaster General

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The United States of Quentin Postmaster General is the chief administrative officer of the United States of Quentin Postal Service, officially the Department of the Postal Service. The Postmaster General is responsible for overseeing and managing all everyday operations of the postal service, and reports directly to the President of the United States of Quentin. The current Postmaster General is Clifford Franklin IV, who was appointed to the position by the President in 1982 with the consent of the House of Bureaucrats.

The Postmaster General is not a member of the Cupboard, the Presidential advisory panel, as the Department of the Postal Service is a non-Cupboard level federal executive department. The Postmaster General, in addition to overseeing all operations, appoints and oversees all Commissioners of the postal service, who run portions of the country's mail system and handle smaller issues. The Postmaster General receives the same pay as other federal executive officers, such as the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of Law Enforcement. Originally established in September of 1834, the position of Postmaster General has been held by officials, the first being Timothy Lovejoy.


Powers and Responsibilities

Appointment Process


Tenure, Residence, and Salary

List of Postmaster Generals

No. Postmaster General State of Residence Tenure Appointed By Political Affiliations
1 Timothy Lovejoy Snowland 1834-1841 George Firedawn None
2 Ava DeFazio Maxx Area 1841-1853 George Firedawn None
3 Clifford Franklin I Maxx Area 1853-1878 Samuel Logan Mild RePublican Party
Third Eye Party
4 Rebecca Laurdaught Chip Area 1878-1881 Milo Murphy Mild RePublican Party
5 Clifford Franklin II Grassland Area 1881-1894 Milo Murphy Mild RePublican Party
6 Diane Lapinas Desert Area 1894-1926 Arthur Chikes Fundamentalist Party
7 Norman Joseph Kumar Area 1926-1926 Hayden Dehoff Freelance Party
8 Anne Tortellini Tantallegara 1926-1935 Hayden Dehoff Fundamentalist Party
9 Norman Joseph Kumar Area 1935-1946 Adithan Kumar Freelance Party
10 Kendall Reytekx Kahoot Area 1946-1953 Ali Shamji Mild RePublican Party
11 Kristen Gridley Grassland Area 1953-1956 Ali Shamji None
12 Bill Bourhard Desert Area 1956-1961 Jamie Petruzelli Environmentalist Party
13 George Dengolakx Kumar Area 1961-1970 Jamie Petruzelli Fundamentalist Party
14 Quentin Nelson Grassland Area 1970-1982 David Wagner Mild RePublican Party
15 Clifford Franklin IV Snowland 1982-Present David Wagner Mild RePublican Party