The QRO Champions Cup

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QRO Champions Cup
Flag of QRO Champions Cup [[image: {{{coat}}}|x78px|Coat of Arms of QRO Champions Cup]]
Flag Coat of Arms
Nickname: "The Payoff Bowl"
Website: qro.nwd/championscup[1]
[[image:|225px|Location of QRO Champions Cup]]
Location City in the United States of Quentin
Event Type Sports Championship
Venue Held Stadium or Arena
Networks Diamond Television Network and the Quentinian Broadcasting Company
• Viewership 489 million
Countries Available to View USQ, MTO, Paladinia, Allia, Docneighland, Xevenia, Iridium Coast, Ravensonia and Gallanathia
First Cup Held: May 5th, 1940
Second Cup Held: May 7th, 1950
Most Recent Cup Held: May 5th, 2019
Governing Body
Administrative Headquarters Rodriguezville
Administrative Type Sports League
Administration The QRO Council
Participant Type: Athletes
Currency The DIG System (Ð) (DIG)
Yearly Average Ð30 million ($300 million)
• Historical Total Near D2.1 billion ($21 billion)
• Revenue Growth 0.2%/year
Percentage of Revenue

5% Tickets
21% Merchandise
74% Services, Television and Advertising

Percent of Nation Average Viewing 49%

The QRO Champions Cup is the most prestigious of all the Cup games in The Quentinian Roofball Organization. Pitting the winner of The ERC Title Game against the winner of The WRC Title Game, it was first played in 1940, then paused while The Greater Venturian War took place, and resumed again in 1950. It has taken place every year since then, traditionally on the first Sunday in May, and draws an annual viewing of around 230 million people. The winner of the most recent Cup in 2019 was The Verisitium Vipers, and the game was played in Mechanicsburg. The QRO Council decides where the Cup is held each year, based upon a city's population, a new stadium, what teams have the potential to be good that year, and potential revenue.

Currently The Minersville Miners have won the Cup the most, with a total of 8 victories, with The BizTown Mailers trailing close behind with 7. The title of most Cup appearances, however, goes to the Mailers, with 16. Halftime ceremonies, unlike the UVL Vehement Grit Bowl, are short and un-decorated, which has become a major tradition and event around the nation. At the most recent QRO Champions Cup Halftime Ceremony, GTNEC of the USQ Steve Shamji appeared onstage, and read an article from the Quentinian Gazette. One of the more memorable was in 1988 when businessman Robbie Coulcourt appeared onstage, coughed once, and left. Viewership hugely increases every year at halftime, a large percentage of which are Quentinian, with commercials at halftime more expensive than others as well.



Date Origin





Television and Media Coverage

Halftime Ceremonies
