United States of Quentin Department of Technology

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United States of Quentin Department of Technology
Flag of United States of Quentin Department of Technology Coat of Arms of United States of Quentin Department of Technology
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "A Future of Tradition and Safety"
Type: United States of Quentin Executive Department
Location of United States of Quentin Department of Technology
Headquarters Doofenshmirtz Building
Mechanicsburg, GA
Employees 25,490
Budget Ð3.25 billion ($32.5 billion)
Executives Secretary of Technology
Website cupboard.gov.nwd/dote[1]
Founded January 1st, 1859
Current Powers Granted January 1st, 1996

The United States of Quentin Department of Technology (QUEDOTECH), referred to in the United States of Quentin as simply the Department of Technology, is a Quentinian federal executive department, founded in 1859 and tasked with the job of monitoring and analyzing new technologies that may benefit the nation, or cause harm to the nation, and submit reports concerning development, safety, and transitioning to new technologies or defense against new technologies. Current examples of new technologies include abortion, self-driving cars, DNA science, and the use of the Megaconn against national security. After reporting on these new issues, the department has a duty to recommend new laws or procedures which will help to make new technologies safer, or to combat, legalize, or outlaw new technologies.

The Department of Technology is headed by the nation's Secretary of Technology, who is currently Randall Thompson. Thompson serves in the Cupboard, and advises the President on all matters concerning technology. Thompson was appointed in 2018, by President Kyle Lovestington.

The Department of Technology was founded in 1859, by President Franklin Moise, as industrialization and new technologies started to become more fully integrated into the young Quentinian society. The department originally was supposed to advance technologies on its own, with research, however this proved to be unfeasible, and the department moved to simply analyzing new products and advising the government on them. Named after the first Secretary of Technology Kai Doofenshmirtz, the Doofenshmirtz Building in downtown Mechanicsburg, GA is where the headquarters of the department is located. The building sits at 9297 Polly Parkway.


Powers and Responsibilities



Bureau of New Technology Identification

See also: Bureau of New Technology Identification, Office of New Technology Definition

The Bureau of New Technology Identification (NTIB) is the bureau of the DOTECH tasked with identifying new technologies which may relate in a negative or positive way to the current legal code of the country, and profiling the new technologies. This includes defining what the technologies may do, and how they may affect society, then profiling possible issues between the technology and the legal code. This profile of the technology, and its relation to the laws of the country is then sent on to other departments, including the National Bureau for the Safety of Technology and the National Federal Bureau of Technologies Recommendation. Founded in 1877, the bureau is currently headed by Commissioner Bell Larnatz.

Office of New Technology Definition

The Office of New Technology Definition (ONTED) is the office of the NTIB tasked with defining what the technologies actually do, and the processes they use to operate. This includes profiling how they operate, effects of their operation, and other parts of its operation. The ONTED does not profile the social effects of the new technology, or the potential effects of the technology on the legal system of the country though, as these are left to the rest of the department. ONTED is singled out as an executive office because of its different type of profiling, as ONTED includes many engineering professionals, while other parts of the department include social scientists and law analysts. Founded in 1891, ONTED is headed by executive director Brian Lilith.

National Bureau for the Safety of Technology

See also: National Bureau for the Safety of Technology, Office of Technology Analysis, Office of Technology Testing

The National Bureau for the Safety of Technology (NABSAT) is the

Office of Technology Analysis

Office of Technology Testing

Bureau of Nuclear Regulation and Advancement

Office of Federal Nuclear Operation

Office of National Nuclear Regulations

Office of State Advancement and Monitoring

Office of Disaster Prevention and Response

National Bureau of Technologies Recommendation

Office of Bans

Office of Advancement Recommendations

Office of Combat and Defense Against Technology

Logistics and Private Research Office

This office operates independent of any bureau, and helps to coordinate research in times of hardship or need, and helps coordinate research between different parts of government on different needs and new technologies which are badly needed.