Cafe Double Life

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Cafe Double Life is a Quentinian sitcom television series that ran on QBC from September 19th, 1976 to June 8th, 1985. The series is considered one of the most popular of all time, and features a man who leads a double life, working as a computer programmer at a desk job in Lindin, but also working as a criminal for the Snowland branch of the Mukdukk. The series is based around the man's life, especially with his time relaxing at a local cafe, where he has two groups of friends with which he hangs out. The one group only knows about his life as a computer programmer, and the other only knows about his life as a criminal. The series also adds humor with the fact that the man, Billy Dane, attempts to conceal his life from each group, and adds more humor because of the fact that the Mukdukk is not powerful in Snowland, and that his job is quite unsuccessful.

The opening scene of the series features Billy talking to his gang friends, and one of the funniest scenes in TV history is when he proclaims he works for the Snowland Mukdukk in the premiere. The series ends with Billy finally telling his longtime love interest that he is a member of a gang, and she agrees to keep it secret. The two live the double life, as the series ends with a knowing glance between the two when another member of the group mentions the Snowland Mukdukk.