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The Jekzonkst was a position of rule in Punctinaturalland all throughout its history. The word Jekzonkst comes from a combination of the words national and person in the Punctin language Pexsakxj. The Jekzonkst was in supreme power of everything in the country, and could do anything he wanted. However, in later versions of the position, the Veuvokx Jekzonkst and the Jekzonkst of 1868-1870, their power was limited somewhat. A list of all Jekzonksts is below, along with the years they served and the reason of surrendering the post.

Boxzjek Von, 1735-1760, Death.

Liakez Von Bezxks, 1760-1790, The First PNL Peoples Revolt, also Death.

Gregokxst Bejokxs, 1810-1840, Death.

Roberxkoz Von Zig, 1840-1860, The Franzon July Revolt, also Death.

Hojkxsz Franzon*, 1860-1868, The Punctinaturalland Civil War, also Death.

Falzekx Zon Viglokx, 1868-1870, The Vexklodx Declaration.

  • Franzon's official title was "Minister of the Land", and supposedly was just the head of a democratic government. However, although they were used discreetly, he still had all the power of a Jekzonkst, so today he is still considered one by historians.