Gennesec Prawther

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Gennesec Prawther was the 16th Prime Minister of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, and the father of the 22nd Prime Minister, Maybusik Prawther, and member of the Rationalist Party. Elected in 1860, Prawther's term was known for a complete refusal to sign any bills into law that restricted the birth and boom of the Order Industrial Revolution. The backing of Industrial money propelled Prawther into a second term in 1865 with similar results, until 1868, under tremendous pressure from Jagport Swixick and his organization Human Integrity Vigilance Establishment (H.I.V.E.), Prawther was forced to pass laws limiting workdays to 7 hours and consecutive working days to 6, with a mandatory two day break in between shifts. The law was immensely popular. Both Prawther and H.I.V.E. spent the remaining two years attempting to take credit for the law, in what was considered what writer Estimo Rite called "the dirtiest, most savage campaign for absolutely no good reason."

Gennesec Prawther announced he would not run for a third term in 1870.