Brandon Collinsworth

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Ambassador of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order from 1880 - 1890. He is the brother of Alex Collinsworth, the GTNEC of the USQ, or The United States of Quentin.

He is perhaps best known as the author and orator of the following passage at The DuBuis Peace Conference in 1885:

"Now I know it's been said by many these past few days that our Order is aggressive in expansion, quick to war and brutal during battle. Hosted, not ironically, by a country dictating the borders of the world with its own show of force, apologetic to no one, draping itself in olive branches, proposing peace. In the humble opinion of the Republic of Megatridimensional Order, given the choice between being a hypocritical backstabbing nation of liars and cheats or being a heartless warmongering soul-sucking machine, we will take the latter and we will do so proudly!"