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Flag of Paladinia Coat of Arms of Paladinia
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "Avait n Oueade, Nles Oueaderuc" (Have Faith in Your Leaders, Unless Your Leaders Suck)
Location of Paladinia
Area 3,654,965km2
Highest point Warren's Point, 2.7 Miles
Longest river The Bavellock River
Population 786.92 Million
• Growth 1.6%/year
Median age 40.2 years
Demonym Paladinian
Declared Independence from the USQ: September 29th, 1875
Modern Charter of Succession Ratified: March 18th, 1951
Capital Building States
Official language English
Type Co-Dictatorship
Legislature None
Dictator: Logan Warren VI
Dictator: Nathan Greenawalt
Colligationem: Tyler Edmenshock
Military Governor: Helios Jackson
States: Paladine, Expostinia, Baskalis, Southern Roddip, and Cobovine
Currency The Trio (ŧ) (TR)
GDP ŧ1.894 Trillion ($1.894 Trillion)
• Per capita ŧ48,432 ($48,432)
• Growth 2.8%/year

31% Agriculture
15% Industry
54% Services

Unemployment 5.9%
Life expectancy 82.3 years
Clean water access 99%
Literacy 99%
Enrollment 86.9%
• Primary 96.7%
• Secondary 87.2%
• Tertiary 76.9%
Measures Metric
Date format Month-Day-Year
Traffic Right-Hand
ISO code PLA
Internet TLD .pni
Time Zones {{{VST}}}
Calling code +88

Paladinia comes from the word paladin, which is defined as a knight renowned for heroism and chivalry. The name was created by Logan Warren I. Obviously all of the COL army soldiers were renowned for winning the Great Venturian War. But he truly had the idea when after the war, Warren's grandson, Logan Warren III died in the war fighting off some of the best soldiers from The United States of Quentin. Warren III was weak from fighting the general of the USQ, and killing him. That was a true act of heroism and bravery that Warren I would never forget. So, from his grandson being the greatest paladin in the COL, he renamed the country Paladinia. Shortly after that, Logan Warren I died from old age, and his son Logan Warren II took over as dictator.

THE RAPTOR Paladinia was still recovering from the Greater Venturian war when